Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Love for Arlo!

I am so happy with Arlo White being the Sounders new play by play man. Last season, Kevin Calabro was a great voice, but never really learned the nuances of the game, and didn’t really seem to be trying to learn. As a result, many fans were a little peeved with his Job, and this year the Sounders made a change, and a great one at that. Moves like this represent the greatness of this franchise, and their willingess to listen to the fans is something that makes me proud to follow the club.

I love Arlo’s enthusiasm and love for the sport, and just how behind the team he is. Read this blog post from Arlo on the Sounders site and you will see what I mean.

Also, listen to some highlights of his call from Thursdays game against the Union here

Lastly, this is his match review with Sigi. You can see just how knowledgeable about the game he is.

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